Around the World, People Are Now Living Longer

Around the World, People Are Now Living Longer than Ever in The Past. Some Say an Ageing Population Creates Problems for Governments. Others Believe There Are Benefits to Society Having More Elderly People. To What Extent Do the Advantages of Possessing an Ageing Population Outweigh the Disadvantages?

Having grandparents is a blessing from God. In today’s era, some older people believe in reliving the golden days of their past, which can sometimes create problems for new generations as well as the government. On the other hand, many people think that senior citizens make life easier in challenging situations. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss both points.

There are lots of things to learn from our grandparents👴 . It is essential to consider the opinions of our ageing parents in every decision. Furthermore, their input is necessary for the development of the nation because their experience can make tasks more accessible for the country. For instance, older people have accumulated wisdom from their good and bad experiences throughout their lives. We can learn from their experiences to avoid similar mistakes. Moreover, they help us build strong personalities, kind natures, and an understanding of traditions, rituals, and many important life lessons. They also guide us in our studies, help maintain physical and mental health, and balance work with family time. They play a significant role in society and the country’s development. Older people are solid pillars for further progress all over the world.

On the other hand, some senior citizens are more focused on their past than the present. They often compare their past habits and lifestyles to the current times. In many situations, they do not agree with modern laws in small towns. For example, some older people 👵  do not allow girls to go to school for education. They do not believe in or follow essential rules. This creates challenging situations for the government.

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Overall 📊 , having grandparents has benefits and drawbacks. The key is to balance their wisdom with modern advancements to benefit everyone.

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