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Demand for Gas and Oil Is Increasing, so Finding New Sources in Remote

Demand for Gas and Oil Is Increasing, so Finding New Sources in Remote

Demand for Gas and Oil Is Increasing, so Finding New Sources in Remote and Untouched Areas Is a Necessity. Do the Advantages of This Outweigh the Disadvantages?

There is no scepticism that the demand for oil and gas is increasing every day. And why not? Every industry can think of using oil or gas in one way or another to run its business and perform its daily tasks. To cope with the rising demand, we need to catch up to the existing sources due to their overuse over the years.

As a result, we need to find new natural resources from where we can get more of them, and for that, we need to move to remote areas, as they would have abundant natural minerals that have yet to be discovered.

Considering the current situation of remote cities or villages, to be precise, it would eventually benefit the residents. It would open the market and help them earn well to support their families, which now is rare, as they only rely on their agricultural land to earn a livelihood.

I do not agree with the assertion that the disadvantages would outweigh the advantages because, at the end of the day, we would have a good number of people making a good amount of money and having exposure to what they would have never imagined or seen before.

We have many examples of remote, untouched cities that were taken over by oil and gas cities and have brought about a huge change around the place. I myself belong to a city that has not been touched and was completely a remote area, where education was not given priority, and agricultural land was the only source of income and skill being taught generations over generations.

The arrival of the oil and gas industry has not only paved the way for the younger generation but also provided numerous opportunities for education and learning modern skills. It was a great feeling seeing the city progress and people able to afford a good livelihood.

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