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Describe a Complaint You Made and That You Were Satisfied with The Results

Describe a Complaint You Made and That You Were Satisfied with The Results

Describe a Complaint You Made and That You Were Satisfied with The Results.

The complaint I made was in 2020, when, as nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic, we were expected to come to work regardless of the situation. We had limited personal protective equipment because the suppliers had a shortage due to high demand. Transport fares were already inflated, and the government had rules to restrict movement.

As the in-charge nurse, I complained to my supervisor and explained the challenges I was facing getting to the hospital and also protecting myself against the virus.

As I previously stated, we had limited materials, such as disposable gowns, facemasks, and hand gloves, that would help to prevent the transmission of the deadly disease. I also had issues with transporting myself due to rules placed by the government limiting movement.

The management was informed about it, and they ensured that adequate equipment was provided. Then, they made provision for transportation by providing a bus to our location and also giving us monetary compensation.

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Part 3 Questions: Describe a Complaint You Made and That You Were Satisfied with The Results

Question 1:- When do people usually complain?

There are many scenarios when people complain. For example, as an employee, you can complain about the harsh working conditions, or as a student, you can complain to your teacher about the numerous tasks assigned.

Question 2:- Can complaining help solve problems?

I believe complaining is one step in admitting that there is a problem, which would further solve the issue.

Question 3:- What other measures should you take to solve problems rather than complain?

Another effective way of solving a problem is by making suggestions. For example, an employee who may be pregnant can suggest longer maternity leave instead of complaining that the period is short.

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Question 4:- What kind of people complain?

The type of people who complain are people who always see a need to improve in an organization and want it to strive.

Question 5:- Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?

I believe that customers’ complaints will improve services because these are the targets the company is looking for. If the majority of the customers have issues with the product, then the company will need to improve.

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