Describe a Person Who Smartly Solved a Problem: Speaking

Describe a Person Who Smartly Solved a Problem. You Should Say

  • Who Is This Person?
  • What Was the Problem?
  • How Did He/she Solve It?
  • And Explain Why You Think He/ She Did It Smartly.

Well, according to me, smartness is necessary to tackle difficult problems in life. I would like to talk about a very smart and good person here. She is not another; she is my best friend, Inder.

She is very smart, and she has many qualities to solve problems. Whenever I get stuck in any situation, I always get help from her. She always helps me in my difficult situations.

I remember the time when I was worried about my account exam because I had some problems in this subject. The exam was very near, so that’s why I was very upset at the time I shared my problem with her.

Firstly, she laughed a little bit at me because I was a little crying then. She gave me the number of her cousin, an accounts teacher who is taking online classes in this subject.

She added me to a group for online classes which the teacher made. I got online classes from her cousin’s teacher and shared all my doubts with the teacher.

I felt delighted after seeing my account result. My best friend’s cousin really helped me a lot. So that was the time when my best friend smartly solved my problem.

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Part 3 Questions: Describe a Person Who Smartly Solved a Problem: Speaking

Question 1:- Do you think children are born smart, or do they learn to become smart?

I believe that with the proper guidance, children can become smart. Some children are innately more intelligent rather than others.

Question 2:- How do children become smart at school?

Children can become smart by learning lessons from teachers, participating in various activities, such as smart lambs and practical things, and interacting with their friends.

Question 3:- Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Some people naturally learn many things, so they are all-rounder. However, other people want to become masters in one particular skill. Due to this, they become perfect in one thing.

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Question 4:- Why does modern society need talent of all kinds?

Modern society needs all kinds of talents because everyone does not have the same skills. When people have different talents, they can help society and Maken. Start their business in a particular field.

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