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Describe a Person Who Smartly Solved a Problem

Describe a Person Who Smartly Solved a Problem

Describe a Person Who Smartly Solved a Problem. You Should Say

Who Is This Person?
What Was the Problem?
How Did He/she Solve It?
And Explain Why You Think He/ She Did It in A Smart Way.

I meet thousands of people from my childhood friends to classmates to my collegue buy, few of them tens to have longlasting effect on my heart and mind.

So here I would like to talk about my best friend Yashika. I met them here in the eleventh class and then luckily we were in the same college.

I consider myself lucky to have here as a true companion. Since I have an introverted personality most of the time, I get stuck in serious problems, and it is an errand for me to solve them without being here.

I still remember when I participated in modelling at the university fest. However, an hour before, I realized that I had forgotten my costume’s supper at home.

At that time, I got mumbled as my home was at a distance of 30 kilometres. But at that time, she assists me by using my data as an off-shoulder top, which changes my whole look from traditional to Western.

Surprisingly, everyone loved it. Just because of her, I won the second position on that day. This is perhaps the reason that I call her my fire extinguisher since she has a solution to all the endeavours in which I usually get trapped.

She always handles every situation calmly because of her presence of mind and concentration. The most salient thing is that she lives in reality, unlike me in dreams.

Part 3 Questions: Describe a Person Who Smartly Solved a Problem

Question 1:- Do you think children are born smart, or do they learn to become smart?

I believe that no one is born smart. It is one aspect of personality that individuals need to inculcate. Moreover, it is part of one’s values that one starts learning from the early stages of life.

Question 2:- How do children become smart at school?

Schools assist children in developing cognitive skills, which make students smart as they learn such skills, which make them superior to their fellows.

Question 3:- Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Being an all-rounder is a part of one’s personality. Most students develop such skills in schools. Some children are good at only one thing, which means that they have a clear focus and goal. It can be because of their parents. To see an improvement, some parents enrol their children in extra classes, from where they learn specific skills.

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