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Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way. You Should Say

I met different kinds of people who are very intelligent and also very polite, and some of them are very clever, so they can solve problems very easily.

So here I would like to talk about a person who solved one problem that our family members have, and it is my father who solved our family problem with instantaneity.

We have a big problem between the two groups of family members, so they invited my father to solve this problem because my family is very clear and also knows how to solve problems with justification.

Those two groups had some financial problems, so they needed to solve the calculation among the money they divided, so my father went there and calculated the perfect division of money among them.

They didn’t get worse because of my father’s cleverness. My father solved this problem very easily because many tried before and failed, so I can say it is more reliable than other people’s.

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Follow Up Questions: Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

1. Do you think children are born smart, or do they learn to become smart?

Some children are born with a high IQ, so they can learn faster than others, and with the help of their IQ, they can achieve any goal and knowledge. Children who are born with a low IQ could learn slowly compared to children who have a high IQ, But these children can gain more knowledge with hard work.

2. How do children become smart at school?

At school, children become smarter in different ways. They interact with the other children, so they become more social, and with the help of the teacher, they can gain more knowledge with clear guidelines from the teacher’s experience. At school, they have the right environment to study.

3. Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Some people train their minds to multitask so they can be well-routed and have a high IQ so they can focus on different types of tasks, and some people who are only good at one particular field can only focus on one task because they tend to improve their skills and particular sector.

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4. Why does modern society need talent of all kinds?

Modern society needs all kinds of talents because, in this technological era, we need to improve everything in every sector so we can solve some of the major problems like rare diseases and some natural resources that are running out on the earth, like exploring space with the talent of an astronaut and curing rare diseases with the talent of a doctor.

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