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Describe a Time when You Made a Decision that Took Time

Describe a Time when You Made a Decision that Took Time

Describe a Time When You Made a Decision that Took Time.

I believe that making decisions in different stages of life is essential as it helps us to grow further, explore different things and get confidence while taking any steps.

Now I’m going to talk about the decision that was really tough for me to make, which is about clothes and sneakers. To be honest, I’m too much addicted to clothes and sneakers.

Once I scrolled Instagram, I saw the account of off-duty. India. It is a premium Denim brand in location in Mumbai. I am so immersed in the patterns and styles they have.

I want to buy their products, but my mom told me that you have too many clothes so don’t order them. Once you go abroad, you can buy these products to wear there.

So now I’m actually a little bit confused that I should buy these products or if I have to wait for some time. Then I finally decided that I should wait for some time and then buy these products if any new product or pattern will come.

Therefore, I save my money to buy these products that I want many times. I took a lot of time to make that decision, and I’m glad that I took that decision in my favour.

Also, Read Describe a City Where You Would Like to Stay for A Short Time

Part 3 Questions: Describe a Time when You Made a Decision that Took Time

Question 1:- What do people in your country often do while waiting?

The first thing that people like to do when they are waiting in my country is talk to each other and have conversations related to ongoing topics. The second thing is that they like to make important phone calls or scroll social media.

Question 2:- Why do some people like a slow-paced life?

Slowing down your pace of life, calming your mind and being in the present moments as much as possible has real, measurable health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, anxiety and more.

Question 3:- Is being patient good for people? Why?

Yes! Being patient is good for people because it helps you develop a healthy attitude. Moreover, it is beneficial for mental and physical strength.

Question 4:- Are people less patient now than people in the past? Why?

In the past, the need for speed was seen in all corners of our lives. We had no patience for waiting for anything. We had come to expect things so quickly that we couldn’t tolerate delay at all.

Question 5:- On what occasions do people have to wait every day?

People usually need to wait on different occasions, such as for interviews and appointments. Moreover, sometimes people have to wait in long lines at stores or in traffic.

Question 6:- Do you think people can’t wait to invent new technologies?

Inventions can lead to new technologies, create new jobs and improve quality of life.

Question 7:- Why do people hate waiting?

One reason people do not like waiting is anxiety. For instance, people are too curious about the things that they order online, and if the products are delayed for some reason, individuals become too conscious.

Question 8:- Are kids better at waiting than adults?

Kids are not better at waiting than adults. Children often do not understand why they have to wait for something, whereas adults know why they are waiting.

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Question 9:- Can patience be taught to kids? How?

Yes, there are many ways to teach kids how to maintain their waiting process. For example, they can avoid instant gratification, practice on patients throughout the games, and create lots of small opportunities.

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