Describe an Experience of Teaching Your Friend or Family Member

Describe an experience of teaching your friend or family member.

  • Whom you taught
  • When it was
  • What subject you taught
  • And explain how you felt about teaching this friend or family member.

Life is full of challenges, and every step is even harder than before. But it is also true that every challenge comes with a new opportunity, and that opportunity gives you a chance to move forward in your life 🌟. I have completely faced it in my life when I was in +2 standard.

I thought that I could do anything except teach anyone. Because it was so difficult for me to be their idol and teach them as a friend for their efficient learning at the same time 📚🤷‍♂️.

But one of my cousins, who was studying in the 10th standard, asked me to teach him Math as he knew that Math is my favourite subject and I got full marks in my 10th standard.

So, he thought that it would become as easy as pie to pass the exam if he took tuition in Math from me. But I refused him because I didn’t have any experience in teaching anyone, so I didn’t have an idea of how it could be taught efficiently.

But he didn’t give up and started convincing me to teach him 🙏. A few times later, when he didn’t stop convincing me, I was left with no option. So, I finally agreed to teach him.

It seemed a deadly situation for me as I was feeling demotivated. But I took a long breath and persuaded myself by saying that everything is fine, man, I can do it 💪.

I saw the index of his math book and checked all the topics. He told me about which topics he was struggling with. It was about 4 main topics.

Initially, I was nervous to think about how I should start. But as I started, things began to get easier, and it became much easier for me 📈.

It seemed that I was learning in my 10th standard again. I taught him in an interesting way that I used to learn in my time.

It was really a fruitful time for him because, with my way of teaching, he found Math so simple, and then he got unexpected marks on the exam 🏆.

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It was also an amazing time for me because from that time till now, I have taught so many students without any hesitation or nervousness.

Now, I feel so optimistic while teaching, and teaching has become one of my interesting hobbies. This is just because of that day. It came into my life with an opportunity by which I got a chance to improve myself professionally as well as mentally 🌈.

2 thoughts on “Describe an Experience of Teaching Your Friend or Family Member”

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