Describe an Experience You Had With a Type of Foreign Food

Describe an Experience You Had With a Type of Foreign Food

  • when you first ate it
  • where you ate this food
  • how you felt about it
  • and say if you liked or disliked it

Sample Answer of Describe an experience you had with a type of foreign food

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. It happened first time about a year ago that I tasted a foreign food and found it so delicious. I would like to share with you my experience with it.

The foreign food that I tasted first time in my life was Pizza. As we know that pizza can be bought in any city nowadays as a number of franchisees have come of pizza in almost every city.

So, there was a birthday of our friend and we went in a pizza shop to celebrate the birthday. I didn’t saw pizza before in my life, so I got puzzle to see various kinds of pizzas in menu list. I didn’t know that which pizza is more delicious. But My friends already tasted it.

They ordered it for me too. Finally, it came and all of my friends started eating. I learned the way of eating pizza from my friends and started eating it. It was so delicious that I didn’t think that it would be so much delicious.

From that day, I started loving to taste foreign foods and have tasted a number of foreign foods. Now, the pizza becomes my favourite and I ever go to take pizza at every celebration.

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