Describe an Important Decision You Have Made

Describe an important decision you have made. You should say:

  • What was the decision?
  • Why you made that choice?
  • Who helped you make a choice?
  • And explain why the decision was so important.

Sample Answer of Describe an Important Decision You Have Made

There are lots of times when you have to take an important decision in life. Here I would like to recall an important decision I made in recent times. I was planning to buy a car for my family, but I was in a dilemma about going for a sedan or an SUV. It was clear in my mind that I would buy a TATA car. I went to the showroom alone for the first time but could not decide as both sedan and SUV looked perfect to me, so I took my wife for the second time, and she assisted me a lot and told me to get for SUV, and it had bigger space, better mileage and comfort. So I am thankful to her as this was a big decision for the next five years at least, and I didn’t want to spend extra on the maintenance of the vehicle.

Part 3 Questions Describe an Important Decision You Have Made

Question 1:- Why do some people find it hard to make decisions?

Answer – Making decisions can be hard when we lack experience and have no proper guidance for us.

Question 2:- How important is it to get advice from other people when making decisions?

Answer – Getting advice from others is important because if one is guiding you, they are telling them from their experience and which is very useful in making choices.

Question 3:- Why is it sometimes difficult to accept advice?

Answer – It all came down to experience. I can have a bitter experience of a restaurant while my friend can have a better experience of the same thing.

Question 4:- What are some of the most important decisions young people have to make?

Answer – Related to studies which course to opt for after passing out metric since there are abundant career options these days and also from where to pursue higher studies as foreign studies are in high demand.

Question 5:- Do you agree that parents should make important decisions for their children?

Answer – Parents always wish for the good of their kids. They always wanted them to have a good future and progress in life. So yes, they must take important decisions for their children.

Question 6:- Is it better to make a decision thinking about what you want or thinking about what other people want?

Answer – I believe that one should always decide his own will as he is the only person who can see what one can afford and what is best for him. We can take advice from people, but we should make the final decision ourselves.

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