Describe an Occasion when You Spent Time with A Young Child

Describe an Occasion when You Spent Time with A Young Child

Describe an Occasion when You Spent Time with A Young Child

  • When Was It?
  • Who Was the Child?
  • Why Did You Spend Time with The Child?
  • Explain What You Did and How You Feel.

Well, I love to spend time with the children because they are very adorable, and I love to teach them different kinds of things, so here I’m going to talk about an occasion that I spent time with my nephew.

Every holiday, I go to my elder brother’s House and spend some time there. He is married, he has a son, his name is Moksh, and he loves to play games, so every holiday I bring my PS5 there, and we play different kinds of games there.

He also loves outdoor sports, so we sometimes play outdoor games. He also loves to travel, so sometimes we also go to the zoo with him.

One day, he had some math problems, so he told me, Can I solve this? I tried because I am not very good at math, but I tried, and I solved his problem, and he is very happy about it.

After that, we played God of War on the PS5 as a reward for solving a problem, and he is very good at gaming. Sometimes, I also lose to him in games, and spending time with him gives me a feeling of nostalgia because, when I was a child, my uncle also came from Mumbai to spend time with us.

After all, he is an IT engineer. He worked in the big tech industry in Mumbai, and I feel very happy to spend time with the kids, especially my nephew.

Also, Read Describe a City Where You Would Like to Stay for A Short Time 

Follow-Up Questions: Describe an Occasion when You Spent Time with A Young Child

1. Do you think there are too many rules for young children to follow, whether at school or home?

It depends on how you look at it. If its roots are an unnecessary nuisance, then they may seem to be many, but if taken as disciples, then they do not seem to be. I don’t think children have many rules to follow if they are put to work and follow their routines.

2. Do you think children should follow all the rules?

Well, it’s not necessary, but rules are made for them because the rules teach them how to discipline and how to be regular, and if they follow the rules, they become good and build a nice future. If they follow rules, there is no harm to them because rules are made for them, and their good

3. Do you think parents must make decisions for their children?

Yes, at a young age, children don’t know about the real world, and they can’t make decisions on their own because they are inexperienced. Parents always make good decisions for their children because they know their children’s needs, and we can say that no one knows Children better than their parents.

4. Do you think it’s good for parents to help children choose friends?

Parents can guide children in selecting their friends, but in some circumstances, friends are made from the heart, so ultimately, children choose those friends who are good to them.

5. Where do children usually play?

Very young children like to play somewhere close to adults or their parents. Older children like to be more independent, so they like to play outdoors and don’t mind bringing away their parents or their grandparents.

6. While travelling with children, which of the parents takes more care of the children?

While travelling with the children, I think the mother takes care of the children most because the father has to drive a car, usually in the parents’ car, and the mother has no children very well.

7. How do parents teach children to respect people?

A parent can be a role model by showing respect to their elders so children can learn from them. Every child has learned from their parents, and even if they disrespect their adults or some older people, they need to be taught not to disrespect them and to respect other people.

8. Do outdoor activities help children?

Yes, definitely. Outdoor activities like some physical sports definitely help the children because, by playing the sport, they can interact with other people and make friends with other children. They also release stress from playing the sport to become healthier.

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9. What is the difference between the outdoor activities children play now and before?

The first difference is that children don’t do outdoor activities nowadays because they spend most of their time on phones and computers. Second, children had a lot more freedom to do activities like swinging in the lakes, exploring the forest, and making gifts, whereas nowadays children mainly spend time on mainstream activities like football, cricket, and so on. I can say that in the past, many children played outdoor activities compared to now.

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