Describe Something or Someone that Made a Lot of Noise

Describe Something or Someone that Made a Lot of Noise. You Should Say:

  • Who or What Made the Noise?
  • What Was the Noise Like?
  • What Did You Do When You Heard the Noise?
  • And how Do You Feel About It?

I live in India 🇮🇳 , where there is a noisy environment. Many incidents have made me worried because of the noise. So here, I will talk about a marriage that I attended recently.

👰 I belong to a typical Gujarati family. In my family, marriage is one of the most important, expensive, and entertaining functions. Last month, my cousin’s marriage was organized in my hometown.

All my relatives, friends, and neighbours gathered, and most of them were loud people. From the beginning to the end of the marriage, my surroundings were noisy. After some rituals, at midnight, the band and loudspeakers started.

As the band began, everyone started dancing and screaming, which made it even louder. After some time, I became irritated by the noise. So I left the function place and found a quiet spot about 1 km from my home.

I stayed there until the band stopped. Finally, I returned home and went to sleep. Frankly, I can say it was a terrible experience for me.

Part 3 Questions

Question 1:- Where Can People Hear a Lot of Noise?

There are various places where people can hear a lot of noise, such as bus stations, railway stations, public gardens, stadiums, party halls 📍 , and many more.

Question 2:- What May Happen When Someone Listens to Very Loud Music Using Headphones When They Are Running or Hiking?

When someone listens to deafening music in headphones 🎧 while running or hiking, they feel active, speedy, and energetic. They can enjoy their task and quickly complete it.

Question 3:- What Can Be Done to Reduce Traffic Noise?

There are some solutions that the government and individuals can implement to reduce traffic noise. The government should introduce rules and regulations related to the appropriate frequency of vehicle horns, and individuals should avoid unnecessary use of horns.

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Question 4:- Do You Think the World Will Be Noisier in The Future?

Not at all, I don’t think that. Because nowadays, there are machines, vehicles, and instruments available that are primarily quiet 🔇 or produce negligible sound. So, these types of things will reduce or eliminate harmful sounds.

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