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Describe Something You Bought that Was Difficult to Use at First

Describe Something You Bought that Was Difficult to Use at First

Describe Something You Bought That Was Difficult to Use at First. You Should Say:

Well, these days, we often buy the latest technology gadgets, and sometimes it takes a little time to get familiar with how they work.

Here, I talk about a situation when something difficult happened to me when I received my first iPhone on my 18th birthday.

Actually, it was my longtime wish to have a mobile phone Apple brand, and finally, it was fulfilled by my father. I was over the moon at that time, and I was desperate and eager to use it.

Since I have been using Android phones all the time, and when I tried to use the Apple phone, I faced lots of difficulties. I could not even make an ID on this phone because I was not able to use it properly.

I was not able to download any application at the same time on this mobile. No doubt, an additional artificially intelligent camera that was of exceptionally high quality, but I was not even able to operate it.

Then, I decided to contact my best friend because she already had that same smartphone. I shared my problem, and she sorted out my issues in a fraction of a minute. Now, I regularly use this mobile phone and use its different features. Last but not least, I needed help understanding how it works.

Part 3 Questions: Describe Something You Bought that Was Difficult to Use at First

Question 1:- Do you often buy new things?

Yes, of course. I love to buy new things. Whenever I go to a special location, I always try to collect new things.

Question 2:- What type of products is difficult to use at first?

Well, according to me, these days, with the advanced advancement of technology, products related to technology are difficult to use at first because no one knows the features of any particular technology gadget. So whenever a person buys a new piece of technology gadget, she can face difficulty in using it.

Question 3:- What are the benefits of online shopping?

According to my point of view, there are some benefits of online shopping. People can save their time for other work as well, and they can make a choice list during online shopping. Apart from this, people can not get discounts while offline shopping, but when they do online shopping, they get a lot of discounts, coupons, and rewards from different sites.

Question 4:- What are the disadvantages of online shopping?

Well, there are a few drawbacks of online shopping. The first one is that the quality of the product could be better than it is shown on a particular site. Moreover, sometimes people do not get the order, but they pay the payment for that specific product.

Question 5:- Why do some people buy only branded items?

According to me, it depends on person to person. If a person has a lot of budget to buy expensive, branded things, they can purchase branded items from various Branded showrooms.

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Question 6:- Would you say that advertising makes people buy more news things than they would if there was no advertising?

Yes, it is true that with the help of advertising, people get more encouraged to buy more new things in their daily routines when they see advertisements on their mobile phones and TV. Then they make a wish to buy it.

Question 7:- Do you think old(er) people have difficulties using some things that young people do not?

Yes, older people have difficulties with electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, laptops, and so on. On the other hand, young people do not face any problems while using these types of electronic things.

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