Describe Something You Did that Made You Feel Proud

Describe Something You Did that Made You Feel Proud

  • What Did You Do?
  • When Did You Do It?
  • Why You Felt Proud of What You Had Done?

I remember I was a student at University, and I was majoring considered to be religion, but I wouldn’t say I liked it. As a result, I failed in one subject, and I broke down and cried.

It was an unfortunate moment, but after a few months, I began to study social services. I promised myself no more Fs, and I must achieve A’s in all subjects, so I didn’t because the social services lecture was like a piece of cake until the last level, l got excellent soccer.

I’m so happy I studied very hard sometimes I couldn’t sleep well. I enjoy training in hospitals, talking with people, listening to their issues, and working out their problems. For me, this is a unique experience when you study something you really want. It encourages you to be good and more confident; I am glad I achieved my goal.

Follow-Up Questions: Describe Something You Did that Made You Feel Proud

Question 1:- Which one is more important, personal goals or work goals?

To be honest, this a strange question for me; I think both are relevant; the reason behind that is if you have a goal in your life and you want to achieve it, that will affect other areas in your life, for example, I begin to study English just for fun but I also in my bucket list is to increase my salary next year and because I start to learn English. My boss told me that hanging out there is a big bonus for those who can speak English. So, I realize that sometimes our goal is mixed together.

Question 2:- Have your life goals changed since your childhood?

Yes, of course, when I was young, all my goals were like a piece of cake. I could do them, such as learning to ride a bike or how to make eggs. However, now, they are more difficult and take a long time to achieve. Also, sometimes, I just abandon that idea and research something else.

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Question 3:- Does everyone set goals for themselves?

In my opinion, it depends on personality. Some people enjoy writing, so they make their own notes. On the other hand, other folks have grown up with the family doing everything for them, so they cannot think about goals; they trust their parents to make it for them even when they are adults.

Question 4:- What kinds of rewards are essential at work?

There are many things, but it’s not just focusing on finances. For example, my sister is a nurse at a hospital, and sometimes, when they work hard, their manager allows them to have an A-day off. Many nurses are very excited about their work and want to have this gift.

Question 5:- Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at work?

As I see it, it is very important to have a financial gift because everyone comes to work just for that. Of course, the company’s reputation will reflect positively during employment, and there will be more satisfaction with the money.

Question 6:- What makes people feel proud of themselves?

I remember many things when my younger brother graduated from school with a high score and joined a big University in the UK. This made me glad since this young boy who always misses around in the library didn’t want to study. Now he’s mature and going to be a doctor in the future, and this makes me so proud of him.

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