Describe Something You Do to Help Others IELTS Cue Cards

Describe something you do to help others IELTS cue cards

  • What do you do?
  • How long have you been doing it?
  • How did you start doing it?
  • and explain why you think this is helpful for others.

I love to help others, so I have many memories of assisting people. But I would like to share with you the memory that turned helping others into my hobby.

A few years ago, while I was pursuing my secondary education, I got a chance to lend a helping hand to one of my friends who came from a poor family.

His name was Ritesh. After his father’s death during his childhood, he and his mother supported their home by working in others’ houses or in any shopping mall.

Despite being a hardworking guy, Ritesh always struggled to balance his studies and work. With the exam approaching, students were told to deposit their remaining fees, or they would not be allowed to sit for the exam. Ritesh, unable to pay the fee at the time of admission, still had his fee pending.

Noticing his nervousness, my friends and I found him crying in a corner of the school one day. After learning about his situation – that he had been saving money for a year to pay his fees but had to spend it all when his mother fell seriously ill – we were deeply saddened.

Deciding to help, we went home, shared Ritesh’s story with our fathers, and came back the next day with some money. Even though it was not enough, with the help from our class, we managed to collect the full fee for Ritesh, enabling him to sit for the exam. Ritesh has since secured a government job.

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He still remembers those moments and respects us, believing he could not have reached his position without our help. That day, we truly discovered that helping others is the key to happiness. Now, whenever I get the chance to assist someone, I never hesitate. 🌟💖🤝

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