Describe Something You Do to Keep Fit and Healthy: Speaking Cue Card

Describe Something you do to keep fit and healthy

  • what do you do?
  • Where do you do it?
  • Who do you do it with?
  • And explain why you think that doing this is healthy.

Sample Answer of Describe Something You Do to Keep Fit and Healthy

Well, many individuals do different things to keep themself fit and healthy. I am also one of the physical activities to keep myself healthy. I do morning walks.

Every morning I wake up around five o clock, then walk for an hour every day at the stadium. I started morning walks in my teenage because I wanted to develop good habits to keep myself from the early days.

When I was ten years old, my father forced me to wake up early in the morning; they took me near the stadium for light exercise. After a few days, I start to wake up early in the morning.

After waking up, I wear my favourite running shoes. Then I start walking along with my father around the stadium. Sometimes I try to compete with my father during the walk because it gives me more happiness than I defeated my father during the trek. Moreover, sometimes I take my bicycle to run whenever I feel bored from my morning walk. A few days, two classmates also started morning walks with my father and me because they live near our house. It becomes a more enjoyable activity when friends join me.

The morning is when people get fresh air and a peaceful environment, so I didn’t want to miss time by sleeping. Morning woke up is beneficial for me to complete my pending work. During exam days, after a morning walk, I feel refreshed to study the topics of my exam. Sometimes I sit on the chairs in the stadium and listen to the voices of birds and people clearly; this habit helps me to hear more voices than average ear noises.

Part 3 Follow-ups Describe Something You Do to Keep Fit and Healthy

Question 1:- How can the Government encourage young people to stay healthy?

Answer – The government can make many efforts to keep people healthy and build new parks and gyms for workouts. Moreover, The government can taxes fast food products or restaurants, so people should eat less fast food.

Question 2:- Should governments intervene to force people to do physical exercise and eat healthily?

Answer – No, I don’t think the regime should force people to do physical exercise and eat healthy food because it’s their choice to keep themselves fit not. For example, its often noted that rich people have health issues while poor people do not have any health issues.

Question 3: Which is more critical for a healthy life – a healthy diet or a regular exercise plan?

Answer – Both are crucial for diets and regular exercise to stay healthy becaustheyth help strengthens the immune system and curb any health issues in the body.

Question 4:- Why do more people visit doctors and hospitals today than at any time in the past?

Answer – Currently, eating habits are changing in individuals; people only eat fast food items, so they have to visit more hospitals for their health issues.

Question 5:- Should offices have a dedicated place for exercise? How can this help employees?

Answer – Well, at present, every multinational company has its dedicated place for exercise, like amazon and google, because they want their employee to have fit and healthy bodies, and the company doesn’t their employee should feel bored.

Question 6:- How do children and older adults keep fit and healthy?

Answer – Well, children are well aware of these days, so they join gyms and eat healthy food to keep fit and healthy, while older adults are still fit because they also eat healthy food and exercise to keep themself healthy.

Question 7:- What do people usually do to keep fit and healthy in your country?

Answer – To keep fit and healthy, people should eat more nutritious food than fast food and start going to the gym or doing physical activities like walking and running. Moreover, they should not take much stress, because that’s also a big issue of health weakness.

Question 8:- How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?

Answer – Parents can do many things to keep their kids Healthy like they should avoid eating so much fast food and should enrol them on exercise or everyday activities like running and walking.

Question 9:- Do you think it is suitable for governments to utilize celebrities to help build health awareness?

Answer – That’s an excellent idea to spread awareness among citizens to make the body more robust by using celebrities because celebrities must convey a single message to their fans regarding health. I am pretty sure their fans will follow their advice.

Question 10:- Do you think people in your country are less healthy today than they used to be?

Answer – Yes, in the present time, citizens have bu schedule, so they want to instead of cooking food at home, while in the past, they ate cooked food.

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