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Describe Something You Taught to Your Friend/Relative

Describe Something You Taught to Your Friend/Relative

Describe Something You Taught to Your Friend/relative.

Sample Answer: Describe Something You Taught to Your Friend/Relative

What did you teach them?

Well, I taught my elder uncle the functions of a phone, i.e., my mother’s brother. He used one old type of keypad phone. When his son came back from abroad, he gifted him a smartphone. But, he could switch on it. Later, he came home, and I took almost three days to teach him its essential functions even though I did not feel bored teaching him because he was a good listener.

When was it?

When I was studying for the second semester of my master’s degree, my uncle came and stayed home for two weeks due to a hospital case.

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How long was it for?

He stayed for two weeks with us. After he came, he told me about his phone. I checked and started to teach him well. We all know older generation people learning especially new modern things little slowly. But he learned and made the handle easy.

And explain how you felt about it.

I felt thrilled. First of all, I must teach him. Because, when I go for higher studies, he is the only person who buys one mobile for me. He loves me so much. So, I felt thrilled.

Part 3 Questions: Describe Something You Taught to Your Friend/Relative

Question 1:- What are things that young people can teach older adults to do?

Young people should be taught to use smartphones and new technology to help their everyday use. Most older adults need to be better about technology for their regular life. For example, electricity bills always used to go directly to the respective office for payment. If they are familiar with modern technology, they can pay through online banking.

Question 2:- Why do older people have problems learning new things?

They do because of their age and need to be more familiar with technical words and their use. A person who studies or is familiar with modern technology is constantly updated with his surroundings.

Question 3:- Do you think showing is better than telling during education?

Yes, showing is a better way than telling during education. During education, the use of modern technology is not in advanced mode. So, instead of giving instruction, it better show them how to learn. In other words, visual learning is more comfortable than anything else.

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Question 4:- Do you think constant training is essential for people to study something?

Yes, I think. Continuous training is essential for people to study. Regular exercise makes a man perfect. If they get regular training, always remember the subject and feel more comfortable about their work.

Question 5:- What things can young people teach older adults to do?

Older people’s learning capacity and ability are less than younger people’s. So, older people always clear their doubts to their comfortable relatives.

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