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Most Employers Nowadays Put Increasing Emphasis on Social Skills

Most Employers Nowadays Put Increasing Emphasis on Social Skills

Most Employers Nowadays Put Increasing Emphasis on Social Skills. Some people believe that social skills are important in addition to good qualifications for job success. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


I definitely agree that today social skills are considered as important as good qualifications. In contrast, I definitely agree that today social skills are considered as important as good qualifications while recruiting new employees. Hiring the right candidate based on technical knowledge without looking at social skills is like designing a race car with a powerful engine but substandard steering and braking systems. The car may go fast but in the wrong direction and may even hurt many innocent bystanders along the way.

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A few years ago, when recruiting strategies, hiring decisions often focused largely on candidates’ technical skills and expertise, with relatively little attention given to soft skills. This resulted in hiring employees who had the intellect to succeed but lacked the social skills required to work effectively. This resulted in interpersonal conflict and frustration, and sometimes such employees had to leave the job. What is more, such employees were unable to handle the social demands of leadership and so had to remain at lower-level jobs.

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Social skills reflect a person’s ability to work with others in a way that strengthens long-term working relationships. Social skills depend primarily on four fundamental characteristics. The first is self-awareness, which means monitoring how our actions affect the behaviour of those around us. The next is sensitivity to others, which implies concern toward the needs and feelings of others. Then there is social intelligence through which the person understands how to influence others’ behaviours. Finally, there is self-control because a person can control his actions and emotions, particularly when under stress.

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Undoubtedly, a university education is essential if you want to have a career in law, engineering, teaching, or medicine. What is more, it opens more doors than you would have if you didn’t get one. University education is a great platform for learning more and gaining valuable knowledge in our passionate field. Also, the university is a great place to network with friends and business associates or partners. So, definitely, in this respect, a university education can help you get success.


In summary, it is clear to understand why social skills are given a lot of importance and qualifications. Such skills are the key to success at work.

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