In Some Countries, People Are Forced to Retire when They Reach a Certain Age

In Some Countries, People Are Forced to Retire when They Reach a Certain Age. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of This?

👩‍💼 Nowadays, every working person has to retire when they reach a certain age. This system has both positive and negative effects on individuals and society. The following paragraphs debate the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

🏢 Retirement at certain ages has numerous benefits. The first one is that, after a certain age, people become less energetic and mobile. Since they are unable to give their full concentration to the development processes of their respective organizations, when they retire, young staff can take charge of the company. This younger generation has innovative and futuristic ideas, which are very helpful for the development of the institution. The youth know about the present as well as the future requirements of society. The second benefit is that older people who concentrate only on their professional lives often forget their loved ones. After retirement, they can spend time with their family, children, and friends. For example, during their working period, they could not participate in family functions and children’s school events. After retirement, they can easily and without stress enjoy every precious moment with their loved ones.

⚠️ However, besides some advantages, this trend also has a few drawbacks. The first and foremost is that young people have less experience and self-confidence. Since they cannot face every problem easily and successfully, older people, with their experience and knowledge, are more capable. Their experience might contribute to many outstanding achievements. After forced retirement, their experience will become useless. In addition, many associations do not have enough employees, and older people have to be retired, leading to a very negative effect on society.

🔄 In conclusion, the requirement for older people to retire brings both advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the situation, the government should have appropriate policies to overcome the negative impact.

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