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In Some Countries, There Has Been an Increase in The Number of Advertisements

In Some Countries, There Has Been an Increase in The Number of Advertisements

In Some Countries, There Has Been an Increase in The Number of Advertisements Which Try to Persuade Children to Buy Snacks, Toys, and Other Goods. Parents Often Claim that These Ads Are Unfair. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.

In recent years, advertising targeted towards children has become increasingly popular. Companies advertise snacks, games, and other products designed to appeal to juveniles, forcing them to ask their parents for new things. While some argue that this is harmless, in my opinion, advertising has a negative impact on both children’s minds and parents.

First of all, The drawback of advertisements could affect their minds. They tend to ask their Fathers and mothers to buy them that stuff every time they see it. This is going to create bad behaviours such as patience, one of the important factors to help a child grow to be a good member of society. Advertisements promote a culture of instant gratification and self-centeredness among minors; hence, they want everything immediately and tend to ask again until they have it. For example, BCC recently had interviews with many families asking them about ads for younger people. Around 99% of them agree these children cannot understand the word (No) and think it means you will get it.

Moreover, these companies may pressure Fathers and mothers when minors think their parents do not care about them, which can create conflicts between them. Additionally, these companies may force adults to buy useless things and parents to avoid problems with their children buying them.

In conclusion, advertising targeted towards children has a negative impact on their minds and forces parents to buy everything they want to avoid issues. From my perspective, the bond between family members may weaken, as minors perceive their circumstances differently.

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