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Many Believe that It Is Important to Protect All Wild Animals

Many Believe that It Is Important to Protect All Wild Animals

Many Believe that It Is Important to Protect All Wild Animals, While Others Think that It Is Important to Protect Some, Not All of Them. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.

Wild animals are an essential part of our ecosystem, and it is an undeniable fact that preserving these species from becoming extinct is a major concern in every nation. Individuals have a split opinion about whether all wild species should be protected or just some of them. However, both have their own pros and cons. Therefore, before commenting on my decision, both opinions should be discussed.

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Examining the former opinion, the primary argument the supporters would put is every species play an essential role in the ecosystem. This is because all species are based on each other for their food, and if one of them disappears, then it will ultimately unbalance the whole food chain, which might have a catastrophic effect on the environment. For instance, tigers have become extinct, leading to the overpopulation of deer, which consume more and more plants. As a result, the number of trees is reduced, and the CO2 levels increase in the environment. In addition, they also believe that wild animals are beneficial for human beings. This is to say, scientists have found that many species can be used for medical treatment, and several researchers are going on many species to discover new techniques to treat incurable diseases like the blood of snakes used to heal skin problems.

On the contrary, the latter view suggests that preserving these animals requires a large amount of funds. They believe that these funds should be used for humanity issues like healthcare, and many countries are struggling against starvation and deathly diseases. For example, scientists are researching jellyfish, a marine animal requiring a huge amount of budget to perform extensive research. Besides this, they think that overpopulation of animals threatens our human existence and environment. This is to say, some animals are dangerous to human life and resources, like if all sharks die everyone can swim freely, and zebras overpopulation in South Africa is causing harm to farming.

To conclude and give my opinion, we have to make efforts to preserve all species equally because this is critical to saving natural habitats and overcoming detrimental effects if some species disappear.

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