Many Today Feel that Attention Spans Are Becoming Shorter Due to The Prevalence

Many Today Feel that Attention Spans Are Becoming Shorter Due to The Prevalence of Social Media. to What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

Due to technological advancements as the year progresses, there have been introductions of apps that improve lifestyles, one of which is social media. People argue that attention spans are getting shorter due to social media because of the various activities being done and gadgets being utilized. I totally agree with this notion.

Foremost, attention spans are getting shorter due to social media because of the various activities being done. Presently, social media can be used for different activities, such as contesting in beauty pageants, attending virtual concerts, and even attending weddings. For example, in the year 2020, the coronavirus virus, which caused restrictions on movement, made more tech companies launch apps that have access to virtual meetings of more than a hundred people at a time. This has caused more downward attention to one’s environment and less socialization among neighbours and even family.

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Furthermore, due to the gadgets used by these social media outlets, various apps require the use of headsets because of the audio. For example, an app created by a Facebook founder now requires the use of virtual goggles to view the person you are interacting with. This would cause a significant loss of attention in his environment.

In my opinion, I strongly agree because people are having mental issues. Recently, in hospitals, there has been a spike in reported cases of autism, which is a deficit in cognitive development, and this can be traced to the usage of devices that have these apps installed.

In conclusion, people who have access to these social media apps have a shorter attention span due to the various activities that can be carried out and also the gadgets used to access these apps. I strongly agree because people are having mental issues.

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