New Technologies Have Changed the Way Children Spend

New Technologies Have Changed the Way Children Spend Their Leisure Time. Do the Advantages Outweigh the Disadvantages?

It is an irrefutable fact that kids’ free time has changed due to the new arrival of technology. While some believe that it has various benefits rather than drawbacks, others reject this notion. However, in my opinion, its demerits are far greater than its merits. This essay will analyze both the pros and cons of the given notion.

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To begin with, there are a few merits to this trend, but the most predominant one is that it helps juveniles learn about new inventions. To elucidate further, the augmentation of new-tech gadgets not only helps kids to know more about updated news through the internet but also would be the best source of entertainment for them, such as playing video games or watching knowledgeable videos. During the COVID pandemic, for instance, most kids spent their leisure time on TV and other devices to learn new skills since they did not go outside for excursions. In addition to this, most offspring make new peers with the help of social media apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook, easily connect with international inhabitants, and learn more about their culture and traditions. However, these advantages are short-term, and their pitfalls are far greater than their benefits.

On the other hand, despite the upsides mentioned above, there are myriad downsides to the given statement. Firstly, even though technology enhances knowledge, kids face a lot of difficult diseases because of their sedentary lifestyle. To exemplify, a survey conducted by the health department at PAU University revealed that nowadays, especially kids, have been affected By obesity because they spend most of their time glued to the computer screen. Despite this, kids become socially inactive as they always remain inside their premises, so that’s why continuous exposure to computers and mobile screens has caused damaging effects on brain development. They also become socially anxious and introverted.

In conclusion, although children adopt new technologies in their daily activities and entertain themselves, their merits, which cause life-threatening diseases and less cooperation in society at a young age, cannot be neglected.

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