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Nowadays, Distance-Learning Programs Have Gained Popularity Writing Task 2

Nowadays, Distance-Learning Programs Have Gained Popularity Writing Task 2

Nowadays, Distance-Learning Programs Have Gained Popularity, but Some People Argue that Online Courses Can Never Be as Good as Those Taken at A College or University in Person. to What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

In the Modern Era, people are shifting towards online modes of learning as technology is getting advanced day by day. A section of society still believes that online courses can never be as effective as face-to-face learning. I agree with this notion to a large extent and the reasons for the same will be articulated in the following compositions.

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To commence with, there are multifarious reasons why traditional learning methods are more effective than the online course. First and foremost, the doubt can be cleared in the class before going to the next topic. To elaborate, if students have any doubts about understanding a certain topic, they can ask the teacher at that moment and clear their doubts before jumping on to the next topic. Secondly, it will enhance social skills and improve their critical thinking. To elucidate, when students learn with their peers their thinking power can be enhanced as all of them will share their ideas with each other and also they will learn to work in groups. For instance, the United States Census Bureau 2021 mentioned in its survey report that 55% of students who completed their education through classroom learning were able to do group projects more efficiently as compared to their counterparts who were learning through online modes of education.

On the other hand, the major advantage of online courses is that the students can learn at their own pace. To explicate, since the online courses are in the form of recorded video lectures, the learners can rewind the video to understand the part they did not understand the first time. For insights, an article published in the leading newspaper “The Times Of India” stated that the students who use online courses for learning feel less pressure as they can learn at their own pace.

To recapitulate from the above discourse of discussion, despite the importance of learning through online modes, I believe that in-person learning is more efficient as students can have face-to-face interaction with their teachers and their peers which will help them to learn more effectively.

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