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Nowadays, Most Countries Are Improving Their Standard of Living Through Economic

Nowadays, Most Countries Are Improving Their Standard of Living Through Economic

Nowadays, Most Countries Are Improving Their Standard of Living Through Economic Development. but As a Result, Some Social Values ​​are Lost. Do You Think the Advantages of The Phenomenon Outweigh the Disadvantages?

Some countries are improving their standard of living through economic development, while others believe social values are lost in the process. I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, which will be discussed in the essay.

Also, Read Nowadays, Most Countries Are Improving Their Standard of Living

To begin with, most countries are creating employment opportunities for their citizens in order to improve their standard of living such that people will work hard and be able to improve their conditions. Again, governments increase the income of workers and allow more money to circulate in the market in order to make things better for citizens. In addition, affordable housing projects are carried out to reduce citizens’ stress, and their take-home salary is enough to sustain them; their economic developments will have positive effects on politics to satisfy people’s needs before comfort.

However, other people think social values are lost in the process of improving the standard of living through economic development in the sense that having all the economic growth also makes us neglect our families due to demanding working hours, making parents neglect their children to all juvenile acts from their peers. In addition, values like trust and honesty have been ignored because there is a substitute for them.

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In conclusion, I reaffirm that the advantages of economic development to improve the standard of living will not neglect social values. The developments will get all people on board, and social values will be inclusive.

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