Some people say that every human being can create art

Some people say that every human being can create art (e.g. painting), others think only the people born with the ability can create art. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer Of Some people say that every human being can create art


Nature vs nurture debate has been raging for generations and no clear-cut answer has come up Nature vs nurture debate has been raging for generations and no clear-cut answer has come up so far. Some think that artistic ability is inborn, whereas others say that such a talent can be acquired by training and hard work. This essay intends to analyse both perspectives. I personally believe that artistic knack is a combination of both, talent and training.

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On the one hand, there are evidences to prove that genes do influence the innate abilities of a person. When you see 2-5 year old in reality shows like, ‘India’s Got Talent’ and ‘Dance India Dance’, you are forced to believe that they have some inborn talent. They are gifted with that talent. They certainly have more natural aptitude than others in certain areas. Other well-known examples also can be cited here. Who has not heard of the achievements of people like Mozart and Einstein?

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On the other hand, anyone can produce art by practice and training. Had this not been the case, there would be no schools for Art, and Art and Fine Art would not exist as subjects. More often than not, the verdict of someone being naturally talented is skewed. For example, if we see a beautiful painting or any other such work of art, we reach the conclusion that the person must be really gifted. We tend to ignore the fact that the person may have travelled a long journey of perseverance to reach that point.

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In my opinion, to reach the recognisable top, even those gifted with talent have to work hard and practice a lot. Talented people may need less hard work to reach there, but they cannot reach the pinnacles of success without sufficient practice. Even the most talented can lead a life of oblivion if they don’t polish their art by continued practice. Conversely, anyone with a passion and determination can succeed in creating unique masterpieces of art.


To sum up, both talent and hard work have a role in creating art. Both are inextricably linked. The nature vs nurture debate has no clear-cut answer and will never have.

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