Percentages of Mobile Phone Owners Using Various Mobile Phone Features

Percentages of Mobile Phone Owners Using Various Mobile Phone Features. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features and Making Comparisons Where Relevant.Percentages of Mobile Phone Owners Using Various Mobile Phone Features

Sample Answer: Percentages of Mobile Phone Owners Using Various Mobile Phone Features

The table gives information about the proportion of people who use mobile phones with different kinds of features during three periods.

Overall, the majority of members of society use mobile phones to make calls in these intervals. Even though the number of users had increased in the last year, the lowest rate of the public used for recording videos and playing music.

First of all, by 2006 and 2008,100% of the public used calling features and had declined slightly by about 1% in 2010. Taking photos and sending text messages was the second most used by individuals, about 66 per cent to 76. While there remained a rise of about 73%, 75% to 79%.

In 2006 only 17 percent of the community used cell phones to play games which soared significantly to nearly a half in the following intervals. The number of users playing music started at 12 % in 2006 and by 2010 had jumped to about 26%. Both Search the internet and recording video did not exist in the year 2006. However, it was a growth from 41% to 73% and 9% up to 35%, respectively.

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