Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Family

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Family. These are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Family

Question 1:- Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have a younger brother we do a lot of things together like playing video games, together we used to watch TV, listen to music and study till late. Apart from this, he is a very talented person.

Question 2:- Tell me about somebody in your family?

Well, whenever I have leisure time, I like to spend that time with my family members, but in my family, one of my favourite people is my mother, as they always motivate me and support me in thick and thin situations.

Question 3:- Do you live with your family?

Yes, I definitely live with my parents and brother.

Question 4:- How often do you spend time with your family?

To be honest, being a work holic Personally, I do not have enough time to spend with my family members, but yes, when I come back from work, I spend a lot of time with my loved ones while eating together, watching movies and so on.

Question 5:- What do you do with your family?

Well, there are ample things I can do with my family members, like travel, cooking, playing sports, eating together, watching TV, and shopping.

Question 6:- Do you prefer chatting with family or friends?

Undoubtedly, I usually prefer to make calls when someone is in an urgent situation. Then it is a good way to make a call to each other, but yes, I like to chat with my family members and friends as it is not only comfortable but also convenient.

Question 7:- How often do you talk on the phone with your family?

Most of the time, I live at home; whenever I go outside the town, I prefer to make calls with my family.

Question 8:- Is family important to you?

Obviously, yes, family taught me moral values as well, and my family is always with me in my thick and thin situations as they are not only my first teachers but also have a lot of experience in their lives.

Question 9:- Have you celebrated something special with your family recently?

Yes, there are a plethora of celebrations which I celebrated with my family members even a couple of months ago; we celebrated New Year together. We did a lot of things in New Year, like travelling, shopping, eating out at a restaurant and watching a movie.

Question 10:- Who do you admire in your family?

To be honest, I always like to talk about my mother, as she always supported me and encouraged me to do good deeds. Moreover, she is not only my mother but also my best friend, with whom I can share everything that is going on in my life.

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