Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Food and Healthy Living

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Food and Healthy Living. These Are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on General Topics About Your Life. Your Answers Will Be from Your Life and Experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: food and Healthy Living

Question 1:- What is your Favorite food?

My favourite food is pounded yam and egusi soup. It is a very delicious delicacy and sumptuous, too. The yam is pounded in a mortar with a pestle until it turns into a paste and gives the desired texture. The pounded yam is mostly eaten with vegetable soup or egusi soup, but I enjoy it best with egusi soup.

Question 2:- Do you eat healthy food?

Yes, I will say I eat healthy food. Ninety per cent of the time, I eat freshly cooked homemade food. I only eat snacks and junk food when I am far from home, and I need to eat something.

Question 3:- Do you enjoy cooking?

Yes, I love cooking. Cooking is something I do effortlessly. Whenever I visit my parents, they will make me cook for them because they are aware that I enjoy cooking and that I cook delicious delicacies.

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Question 4:- What meals can you cook?

I can cook a variety of local soups and dishes such as Vegetable soup, Okro soup, Amala, Eba, Jollof rice, Fried rice, Fish stew and meat stew. The list of delicacies I can prepare is quite enormous.

Question 5:- What is the traditional meal in your country?

My country does not have a unified traditional meal. This is a result of the various ethnic groups in my country. Each ethnic group has its own traditional meal. For example, the Yoruba ethnic group has a traditional meal called Amala. It is made from yam flowers. However, Jollof rice is enjoyed by every Nigerian, regardless of ethnic group.

Question 6:- Do you eat fast?

No, I am a slow eater. I enjoy munching and savouring whatever it is I eat in my mouth before swallowing. I also take pauses during meals, and this results in spending a longer time eating.

Question 7:- What foods do you like from another country?

I enjoy Chinese dumplings and tofu. In addition to that, I enjoy Chinese fried rice and American pie. I have tried them a few times, and I really enjoyed them. I will try them again soon.

Question 8:- What fruit and vegetables do you like?

There are numerous fruits and vegetables that I enjoy. I love eating fruits and vegetables, and I have eaten a handful of them. Examples of fruits and vegetables I enjoy include bananas, oranges, apples, potatoes, spinach, watermelon, cucumber and carrots.

Question 9:- Do you believe you are a healthy person?

Yes, I believe I am a healthy person. I am very cautious when it comes to what I eat. I also try as much as possible to eat a balanced diet and eat lots of fruits, too.

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Question 10:- Have you ever been on a diet?

No, I have never been on a diet, not once. I believe there is always a specific reason why people go on a diet. Since I do not have anything that will require me to go on a diet, I have never considered it.

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