Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: School

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: School. These Are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on General Topics About Your Life. Your Answers Will Be from Your Life and Experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: School

Question 1:- Where do you go to school?

There are a lot of schools around in my region, but I school at Legon a trendy place and a suburb of Accra in Ghana.

Question 2:- Do you go to a good school?

Well, I think most of the schools around are good, but mine is the best since it trains me in good morals and discipline. I consider it the best due to students’ achievements.

Question 3:- Do you like your teachers?

I like my teachers very much because of the treatment they demonstrate to all students. They lecture well, advise well, and punish when necessary, which I feel is the best.

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Question 4:- Do you like your current learning atmosphere?

I enjoy my present learning atmosphere due to the silence and the more interesting books available. It’s not limited to a few people. A lot of people come around to make book comparisons for research.

Question 5:- What are the differences between your school and other schools?

In my school, we win most competitions. Entertainment is so much fun, and other students join us during such activities, so that makes our school different from others.

Question 6:- Is there anything you want to change about your school?

Yes, there is provision for air conditioners to replace the ceiling fans in the various classrooms since, during the summer period, the rooms get so hot and uncomfortable that it is challenging to enjoy the class.

Question 7:- How do you typically prepare for exams or assessments in school?

With both, I take a month to prepare myself adequately to learn, connect with some brilliant students and study with them. I study every night, so I get good grades in both assessments and exams.

Question 8:- How important do you think it is for students to have a good relationship with their teachers?

It is essential for students to have a good relationship with their teachers to enable them to know their level of learning. Teachers assist students in learning when they need to improve in their assessments.

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Question 9:- Are there any specific school rules or policies that you agree or disagree with?

I agree that speaking English is a specific school rule because it motivates students to read more books and use suitable vocabulary and grammar when speaking.

Question 10:- What role do you think technology plays in education today?

Technology plays a vital role in learning since one can conduct good research on a particular topic, which broadens the individual’s mind and provides accurate information.

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