Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Studying

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Studying. These are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Studying

Question 1: What do you study?

Answer:- I am preparing for my IELTS exam to go abroad for my technical study related to digital marketing.

Question 2: Why do you want to study that?

Answer:- I want to study that because I want to go abroad, and it is the mandatory test to be eligible to study over there.

Question 3: What subject do you enjoy studying most?

Answer:- There is not any subject in IELTS. But if I talk about my favorite subject in secondary school, that was science because it is related to our body functioning.

Question 4: Do you prefer to study alone or with other people?

Answer:- I prefer to study alone because I can concentrate more on my study if I study alone. Other people could distract me by asking questions in between my studies.

Question 5:- What was your worst subject at school?

Answer:- In my school days, I didn’t consider it to be the worst subject, but it was my least preferred, and the subject was social studies. I did not have much interest in that subject in my school days.

Question 6: Do you have a favorite teacher?

Answer:- Indeed, my favorite teacher is Mrs. Sharma. I love this teacher because she has always cooperated with me in my primary school. Even in the present time, she is always available for me if I need any help.

Question 7: Are you planning to take any courses soon?

Answer:- I’m planning to take a course related to digital marketing. I was working as a digital marketer and wanted to enhance my skills related to a particular profile.

Question 8: How long have you been studying English?

Answer:- I’ve been studying English since my childhood. It was a mandatory subject from my first standard.

Question 9: Do you think English will be important for you in the future?

Answer:- It is important for me because it is an international language, and whenever I go abroad, it will help me communicate with others.

Question 10: Would you like to learn any other languages?

Answer:- Honestly speaking, I do not like to learn another language, but if I need it, I will learn it in the future. I think I have to learn French because I’m moving to Canada for further study, so it is my first language there.

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