Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Technology and the Internet

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Technology and the Internet. These are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Technology and the Internet

Question 1:- How often do you use computers?

I am an architect by profession, so I have to work on a computer 8 to 10 hours a day to make the architectural drawings that we have referred to as the time of real construction. I use a lot of software like AutoCAD SketchUp and 3D Max on my computer, and I also sometimes play computer games when I am bored or free.

Question 2:- What do you use computers for?

As I already said, I use a lot of software like AutoCAD, SketchUp and 3D Max. Mostly, I preferred to use Autocad software for 3D drawings; while making 3D views, I preferred to use 3D Max software instead of Autocad. However, when I was in college, I preferred to use PowerPoint presentations to make assignments.

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Question 3:- Do you use a mobile phone a lot?

Actually no, because I have a hectic schedule so I have no time to use my mobile phone a lot. Mostly, I only use my mobile phone for calling purposes; sometimes, I scroll through some social media apps like Instagram and Facebook for entertainment purposes and WhatsApp for chatting with friends.

Question 4:- Is it OK for children to have mobile phones?

I think it depends upon the usage. If a mobile phone is used under the proper guidance of parents, it would be very beneficial for children as they learn many knowledgeable things from that. On the other hand, if children are just using it for entertainment and playing games, it can have a very detrimental effect on their health as well as their studies.

Question 5:- Do you like modern technology?

Yes, definitely, because modern technology brings convenience to our daily lives, and with the help of these technologies, we can do our work with less effort and in less time. For example, domestic appliances such as vacuum cleaners save me the trouble of cleaning the house, and for entertainment, three-dimensional glasses are the best when we watch a movie because they provide a real environment around me.

Question 6:- What modern technology don’t you like?

To be very honest, it’s Amazon Kindle. Doesn’t make sense why companies make separate software just to read books. However, we can read books on just a mobile handset or physical books. So it’s a waste of time and a redundant device, in my opinion.

Question 7:- How often do you use the Internet?

Most of the time, I spend time on the Internet scrolling down the different new designs of new buildings and nude construction techniques due to my work. Furthermore, I always check my messages, and at night, I mostly watch videos on YouTube, read books and listen to music through the Internet.

Question 8:- Do you use social media sites?

Yes, I use several social media sites, and I am fond of using TikTok, Facebook, and WhatsApp to chat with my friends and for entertainment purposes. I also use YouTube for educational purposes, and some websites, such as Pinterest, are used for my architectural work.

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Question 9:- What is your favourite website?

I think my favourite site is Google because it allows me to search for whatever I need to find. I find answers quickly and accurately on Google. In my free time, I mostly use WhatsApp to chat with my friends and family.

Question 10:- Is it bad to use the Internet too much?

Definitely, yes, because there are so many sites and apps which waste a lot of our precious time. We don’t have time to talk with family, and we become less social because we always prefer to use the Internet. It could also be a Social page available on the Internet, which would have a negative impact on a specific religion or community.

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