Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Work & Lifestyle

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Work & Lifestyle. These Are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on General Topics About Your Life. Your Answers Will Be from Your Life and Experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Work & Lifestyle

Question 1:-  What do you do in your free time?

Well, in my free time, I Like to listen to music and find interesting things on YouTube, which helps to increase my knowledge.

Question 2:-  Do you have a busy social life?

Yes, I have a busy social life because I have many friends. That’s why I meet with them as soon as possible.

Question 3:- Do you lead an active life?

Yes, it is because I go for a morning walk daily with my mother. Morning walk helps me to maintain my physical health.

Question 4:- Has your life changed much in the last year?

I honestly say that there are a lot of changes in my life. These days, I care about Money and my time as compared to previous days.

Question 5:- What would you like to change about your lifestyle?

I want to change my food habits because these days, I eat a lot of fast food, which is not good for my health. So I want to replace this habit.

Question 6:- Do you work right now?

No, I am not working yet.

Question 7:- Do you get on well with your co-workers?

As I already said, I am not working, so I have no experience with my co-workers.

Question 8:- What responsibilities do you have at your work?

I am a student now, but if I get a chance to do a job in the future, then I will plan my whole schedule for a day and complete every task on time. Not only that, but I will also focus on my goals, which will give me profit in my business.

Question 9:- Are there good work opportunities in your home country?

Yes, India is a very large country. There are a number of work opportunities in my country. People can get jobs according to their education and skills.

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