Some Feel that Individuals Should Have the Right to Strike

Some Feel that Individuals Should Have the Right to Strike in All Jobs, While Others Feel There Are Exceptions. Discuss Both Sides and Give Your Own Opinion.

It is not deniable that individuals are stopping their work in order to press demands. Some experts believe that people should strike in their work so that they can ask for demand. However, some people think that it is not acceptable in some jobs. I entirely agree with the latter view. My preferences are explained further.

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To begin with, employees should not strike in order to press demands. It is not acceptable in such jobs, especially Police officers, soldiers and firefighters. They play a vital role in our community. To elaborate on this, if they are on strike, every individual can be unsafe, and sometimes we have to lose our lives. For instance, if there is a fire in someone’s accommodation and the firefighters do not arrive in time, the lives of everyone living in the house are at risk. Not only the house caught fire, but also the people living nearby should be distributed out there.
Another example is that police force and army officers protect us from the terrorist. They put their lives at risk to protect us. If they decide not to work and ask for their demands, everyone’s life is in danger. Thus, workers such as police officers, army forces, and firefighters should not plan for strikes in our community and should help everyone in the real world.

Besides this, there can be doctors who are passionate about their job. If they decide not to work, there is a drawback for everyone. Every individual hopes the doctors will save their family members from the danger of life by any hook or crook. Therefore, if doctors are on strike, the family’s hope is broken, and they suffer from depression or even heart attacks. Thus, keeping this in mind, doctors should not strike.

On the other hand, even though the employees are working more, they are not getting the salary that they deserve. Moreover, if they are getting the high salary that they deserve, they don’t get appreciation from their boss or other individuals, and they are fired from the job for even a small mistake. So they decide to strike to get their rights.

Overall, to save our lives and get ready for new challenges in the real world, workers should not go on strike in our community. They should get appreciation and a higher salary than they deserve.

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