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Some People Believe that Hosting an International Sporting Event Is Beneficial

Some People Believe that Hosting an International Sporting Event Is Beneficial

Some People Believe that Hosting an International Sporting Event Is BeneficialSome People Believe that Hosting an International Sporting Event Is Beneficial for The Country, While Others Disagree. Do the Benefits of Hosting a Major Sporting Event Outweigh the Drawbacks?

A popular belief is that sports have the power to unite the world. Many people agree with the benefits of organising an international sports game while others do not. In this essay, I will discuss why I believe the advantages of hosting a sporting championship worldwide outweigh the disadvantages.

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There are many concerns about the negative repercussions of receiving visitors from all over the world, which include increased criminal activities, pollution or a clash of values. An influx of tourists from various backgrounds can stir unwanted crimes locally due to a sudden increase in the number of people overwhelming the authorities. Moreover, overcrowding can lead to pollution, including excessive litter and air pollution from an increased number of vehicles. In addition, supporters of sports occasions tend to bring their own culture, which may clash with the local norms. These predicted challenges can be prevented by careful planning, recruitment of volunteers and execution of preventive steps before and during the onset of the event.

In contrast, hosting an international competition brings more advantages than the opposite. Firstly, the increasing number of foreigners would help boost the local economy. For example, the room occupancy rate of hotels would peak, and there would be an increase in demand for services such as food and beverages. Furthermore, other areas, such as transportation, local attractions, and national sightseeing spots, would magnify. In turn, the economy would flourish and make a significant profit, perhaps much more than what they initially invested in the event. Secondly, having a global sporting event locally would instil much motivation for local athletes to compete. Not only do they have a stadium filled with homegrown supporters, but they also have the inspiration to win a world-class competition in the eyes of their people.

In conclusion, while there are always two sides to the same coin, the same cannot be said about hosting an international sporting event. Hence, I believe the advantages of organising world sports events far outweigh the disadvantages.

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