Some People Believe that Students Should Acquire Working Experience During Their Gap

Some people believe that students should acquire working experience during their gap year instead of travelling. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Most students, after completing their studies, need the freedom to do a lot of adventurous tours with friends and relatives. Some people believe students should engage in working experience rather than travelling. Strongly disagree with this notion.

To begin with, after studying for 4 to 6 years continuously at colleges and high schools, there is a need to break away from school work and before engaging in new serious life skis. This helps in regaining strength to continue with other avenues of life, and it is during this period that they can utilize for tourism and travel around paces that they so wished to be. For example, they can travel to places that they once admired to visit such as the Victoria fas in Zimbabwe, just to have an appreciation of what it looks like. Furthermore, travelling to new places can as we open doors for career guidance and new life skills. For example, after touring some places, one might decide to work in the tourism industry.

Although using this period to acquire working experiences is worthwhile, I believe it is of lesser importance as compared to travelling. Being employed at this stage might also bring a lot of work-related problems along because of exhaustion from schoolwork. To exemplify, when competing for my secondary education, I was immediately forced to work as a waitress at a certain hotel; this made me dislike the job even in future because I felt that I really needed enough time to refresh and travel around the world.

In conclusion, students should be allowed to travel during their gap year as this assists them in choosing the future they want and, at the same time, having enough time to refresh rather than engaging in working experience.

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