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Some People Prefer Activities and Lifestyles in Hot Climates

Some People Prefer Activities and Lifestyles in Hot Climates

Some People Prefer Activities and Lifestyles in Hot Climates, While Others Prefer Living in Cold Climates. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.

Nowadays, there are widespread arguments about the type of weather people enjoy living in and moving about in. Some individuals prefer to be active during warm climates, while others enjoy living in cool weather conditions. This essay will discuss both views and support the former point of view.

On the one hand, supporters of this view claim that moving about in warm weather is beneficial as they enjoy recreational activities. This means that they will be able to enjoy their favourite outdoor activities as the environment is warm and dry. For instance, people can enjoy playing or watching football in an open field due to the favourable warm climates. Another reason is that a hot environment improves people’s mood because looking at the bright weather puts people in a good emotional state as they plan their daily activities, such as hanging out with friends, going to the mall, and visiting the beach without any interference from rain or snow. Hence, it seems clear that the merits of these weather conditions should not be overlooked.

On the other hand, opponents of this view argue that cool weather conditions promote healthy lifestyles. This is because in winter, there is usually a reduction in the transfer of diseases from one place to another. To illustrate, a recent survey reveals that the prevalence of malaria is very low in cold weather as mosquitoes do not thrive in freezing environments. As a result, people live healthy lives.

I believe that warm climates are best for people to live in as home maintenance costs are cheaper. This means that people do not have to spend money unnecessarily to maintain their houses. For example, they do not have to repair their roofs for leakage, insulate their doors and windows, or install electric heaters. Consequently, they run their families smoothly and maintain their budgets.

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In conclusion, some individuals enjoy engaging in activities during hot weather because it brightens their mood, while some prefer to live in a temperate region to be healthy. However, I believe living in a warm environment is cost-effective in terms of home maintenance.

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