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Some people say that new advancements in factory farming and the creation of new combinations of fruits and vegetables are beneficial while others disagree.Discuss both views and give your opinion. ielts result

Some people say that new advancements in factory farming and the creation of new combinations of fruits and vegetables are beneficial while others disagree.Discuss both views and give your opinion. ielts result

Bio technical science is a relatively young practice and as such is a topic that tends to
incite both wonder and fear. Thus, it is not surprising that opinions surrounding the
subject of genetically modified food vary widely in temperament. Many feel that
developments in factory farming and the combining of different species of fruits and
vegetables are positive for humanity, while others disagree. Both sides of this
argument will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is found.

Firstly, many feel that scientific intervention can help lead to positive foodstuff
discoveries. Take the instance of genetically modified rice in China. In the mid-
twentieth century, the scientist Yuan Longping developed a new kind of rice that
yielded tremendously larger harvests than traditional rice crops. This discovery was
hugely helpful in tackling China’s growing rates of starvation resulting from natural
disasters and the Cultural Revolution. Thus, it is completely understandable why
support for genetically modified food is strong.

However, other people contest that genetically modified food can be extremely
damaging. For example, roughly forty years ago, baby infant formula sold to mothers
in Africa was found to be part of the reason many infants died. This genetic breast
milk substitute caused the babies consuming it to develop dehydrating diarrhea.
With such devastating consequences, it is thus understandable why many people do
not support the development of genetically modified foods.

After analyzing both sides of this debate, it is felt more good comes from genetically
modified foods than bad. It is expected that foods enhanced through technology will
make up an increasingly large percentage of most diets around the world.

Some people say that new advancements in factory farming and the creation of new combinations of fruits and vegetables are beneficial while others disagree.Discuss both views and give your opinion. ielts result

Some people say that new advancements in factory farming and the creation of new combinations of fruits and vegetables are beneficial while others disagree.Discuss both views and give your opinion. ielts result

Some people say that new advancements in factory farming and the creation of new combinations of fruits and vegetables are beneficial while others disagree.Discuss both views and give your opinion. ielts result


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