Some People Think It Is a Good Thing for Senior Managers to Have Much Higher

Some People Think It Is a Good Thing for Senior Managers to Have Much Higher Salaries than The Other Workers in A Company. To What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

The role of all workers in any organization is very important to its success, irrespective of the amount they are being paid. This essay will assess the roles played by both senior managers and other workers. In addition to this, it will discuss why senior managers should earn more remuneration in relation to other workers.

From my perspective, senior managers are the ones who make critical and crucial decisions in an organization, which is a huge responsibility as any decision made can make or mar the company. In addition to decision-making, senior managers rose through the ranks to get to their current position, which requires years of dedicated service, learning and self-development. Also, senior managers are the ones who go out to source for contracts and jobs for the organization.

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On the other hand, other workers receive information and directives from senior managers. They are the ones who implement any decision made by senior managers. Furthermore, the other workers are the ones who do the physical work, and their contribution to the organization is essential, as a stoppage of work can result in downtime and financial losses.

In my opinion, senior managers should earn more salaries than other workers. They have more years of experience than other workers, and these years of experience should account for a higher salary if quantified in monetary terms. Additionally, without the presence and input of senior managers in an organization, there will be no jobs for other workers to do. It should be noted that senior managers have invested in a lot of certifications and courses over the years, and this has put them on a higher pedestal and, as a result, a much higher remuneration.

In conclusion, senior managers are the backbone of any organization. Their wealth of experience and their behind-the-scenes efforts to sustain the company should be rewarded with much higher pay than other workers.

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