Some People Think that Governments Should Give Financial Support to Creative

Some People Think that Governments Should Give Financial Support to Creative Artists Such as Painters and Musicians. Others Believe that Creative Artists Should Be Funded by Alternative Sources. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Own Opinion.

Nowadays, there seems to be a difference of opinion regarding whether to provide financial aid to painters and musicians or let them get funded by other sources. I personally advocate for the former view because not doing so may affect their mental well-being and growth.

On the one hand, some assert that artists are capable of earning money by selling various artworks and music compositions since one successful painting can earn them millions. Those who support this viewpoint argue that such monetary amounts can be invested in sectors such as education and climate change. Because of the uncertainty involved in the benefit, policymakers and bureaucrats often overlook artists.

On the other hand, some believe that government intervention is a must for the success of those involved in such fields. Firstly, artists have to pour lots of time and energy into creating a masterpiece. A break in between such endeavours can invite troubles, disenchanting those working in this field. Although such artists are rewarded heftily after their success, their difficulties can be alleviated if the government supports them financially.

So, to reiterate, I reckon that the government must offer backup to the “creative ones” to truly succeed in their creativity.

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