Some Say That Due to Heavy Traffic Government Needs to Build More Roads in Metropolitan Cities

Some say that due to heavy traffic government needs to build more roads in metropolitan cities. At the same time, others argue that this is not the right solution. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

The traffic problem is increasing in the past years. The government should take action to build new roads in metro cities. Some masses argue that the government should use more roads to solve this problem, while others do not opine with this. This piece of writing shall highlight my partial views regarding the equal importance of both.

Its true, traffic is increasing every day with increasing population. The government should build a new road network to reduce traffic as per increase in demand for vehicles. Last year, construction of yamuna expressway in India has reduced traffic. Additionally, the proposal should be made to construct more highways as per the demand for vehicles. It has resulted in more demand for building new infrastructure as per traffic situation.

However, construction of roads is not a good solution as it is a mere wastage of land resources. To be clear, the construction of new roads will take away acres of land from agriculture, affecting the economy of farmers that leads to impact the revenue of that particular place. However, the argument of building new roads to reduce heavy traffic by government is mainly because of wastage of time and fuel spent in the traffic blocks but if the same traffic can be managed by endorsing new rules to limit private vehicles and encourage and improve public transport facility which can reduce heavy traffic to a larger extent.

In my opnion, both the views are correct. In some circumstances, it is necessary to build roads like in cities where the road condition road is very, poor, but we can also not that that construction of roads can lead to wastage of land and pollution.

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