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Describe something special that you brought home from a tourist place

Sample 1

I have been always interesting to traveling the different places because it helps me to explore the different culture or cuisine as well as provide me a sense of satisfaction. In fact, whenever I go somewhere, I definitely purchased some souvenir from that place as I personally think that this is a good way to recall the memory of that place.

Last year on December month, I visited to city Kurukshetra which is also known as” land of Mahabharata”. Luckily on that time, there was an art and craft fair held which was organized by youth club of Haryana state. This fair was also named as “Geeta Jayanti” and it has organized every year. In this fair, different craft man from different states came to show their talents through the exhibition.

I went there with my friends and we enjoyed to watch every stall at the exhibition. Then suddenly I saw a Masterpiece which was a tray or bowl set. I could not stop myself to purchase it.

It was a wooden tray and 6 bowls set which was beautifully polished with a brownish color. The tray was rectangular in shape and had an amazing pattern work on the center of it. On the other side, bowls were round in shape but designs of it look like as a rose petal. Craftsman told me that, this set is a beautiful creation of Rajasthan and it had made by mango wood.

So that was an item which I bought from a tourist place for my home. I used it till now to serve the snacks to my near and dear ones. Everyone who watched it the first time gave so many compliments for this beautiful piece and asked my mother about the place where It purchased. Overall, I feel very delight to have this much masterpiece.

Sample 2

Well, it is very common in India to purchase something from a tourist place in order to save it as a sweet memory of their life. I also love to buy from tourist spots. So, here I would like to talk about a time when I purchased a wall clock and other things from a historical place. Then, I brought it to my home. I explain it briefly.

About a year ago, I went to Delhi to see a historical place named Red Fort. I had been there many times but on that day, there was an exhibition was held. In this exhibition, many people came there to sell their handicrafts. They belonged from different states of India who were representing their traditional handicrafts. I felt highly elated after watching it.

At the same time, I purchased a wall clock from there for 300 rupees. I have it yet in my home. I hung it on the wall of my room. It is a beautiful Masterpiece which has made of wood. It’s outer part red colored but its inner part attracts me most because the numbers in it, are blue in color as well as it is white colored from inside. In addition, it looks very stunning in the dark because when there is no light in my room, it’s numbered start shining. So, it helps me to watch the correct time in the dark night.

Apart from it, from that exhibition, I also bought some key rings which had also made of wood. Their shape was cut according to the alphabets of the English language. It mesmerized me the most. So, I selected some key rings as per the names of my friends. I purchased it at a reasonable price. Then, I did gift it to my friends. They felt so happy. After seeing a smile on their faces, I also felt myself on Cloud Nine.
Overall, these were things which I purchased from a tourist place for myself as well as for my near and dear ones. I believe such goods help us to recall the precious memories of our life.

Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information

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