Students Leave High School without Learning the Way how To Manage

Students Leave High School without Learning the Way how To ManageStudents Leave High School without Learning the Way how To Manage Their Money. What Are the Reasons and Solutions for This Issue?

After completing high school, young people do not know how to manage their finances. This essay will highlight some reasons and measures to curb this issue.

Firstly, tutors focus more on academic work than societal issues. Most tutors in the education system place more emphasis on the curriculum or syllables provided by their authorities when teaching. They tend to organise tests and quizzes based on the academic calendar, forgetting the fact that students will complete school and face the real world, as this makes the children adapt to what teachers teach. Additionally, parents have the sole responsibility of providing for their children, and this has led to them using the money for unnecessary things because they didn’t work for it, and their parents are going to provide for them anytime.

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However, being able to manage your finances is vital in everyday life. Among these measures is adding a course of study on financial management to the syllabus, which might tend to enlighten students’ perceptions and spending of money. This initiative will make them more responsible and cautious after completion, as well as good managers when it comes to money.

Additionally, parents, aside from taking care of their wards, have to instil some management by getting them basic books like Rich Dad and Poor Dad by Dr Myles Munroe to help shape their monetary life towards becoming better people financially after school. They can also make a list of items their children need and the amount of money to be spent on such items as this will help.

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