Talk About A Joke That Made You Laugh: Speaking Cue Card

Talk About A Joke That Made You Laugh

  • Who told you a joke?
  • When and Where?
  • What was the joke?
  • Why did you find it interesting?

Sample Answer of Talk About A Joke That Made You Laugh

I have held up later jokes from different people. Most of the time I listen, I hear a joke from my parents to motivate me and bring a smile to my face. Whenever I feel depressed here, I would like to talk about a time when my class teacher in the assure passage or jokes to refresh and alter students’ minds.

When I watched studying in a nine standard at that time, Mr Imtiaz Patel taught English subject. We know that in the advent, it was quite an arduous task for every student to fit into the grammar of the English language and the sun vocabulary.

Hence, one day he started to listen to the grammar, and after half an hour, all the students were bored, so they decided to pass a joke, and the jokes were also all about the importance of the English language.

The jokes were All about the importance of the English language. Where there is one man who should Domingo in a foreign country one day, they are stuck in one area where they can’t find any Indian people and don’t know about the English language.

They find a foreign man on the street, and they try to communicate with them because cause the boxes at the mango boxes are too heavy they can’t get up lifter mango boxes. So they said in some, they said in some mixed words like put this to clear on date matter it this means to try to say that put this works on into my head.

So every class started it up loud and laughed after hard days jokes, so the moral of the story is that our teachers try to give a message about the importance of the foreign language so this is the job I heard from my English teacher.

Part 3 Questions Talk About A Joke That Made You Laugh

Question 1:- What kinds of things make you laugh?

Answer – There are mediates of things which make me love such as whenever I watch some comedy shows on television at that time I laugh a lot and also it is a quote for every human being to laugh loud because it’s good for our health another thing is whenever something happened hilarious at that time I laughed a lot and sometimes my friend pass.

Question 2:- Do you like making other people laugh?

Answer – Yes, I have an affinity towards making people laugh to bring a smile to their faces, and also I try to expense over their stress and worries. As I said earlier, it is a good all good for our health, so whenever I get a chance, I try to make allow laugh to other people, especially my family member and my friends.

Question 3:- Do you think it’s important for people to laugh?

Answer – Yes, it is prominent that people laugh in some situations because it is good for our health. Some experts suggest that everyone should laugh on a diagonal basis to stay healthy and positive in every case.

Question 4:- Is laughing the same as feeling happy, you think?

Answer – Experiment knowledge: I laughed and felt happy he bought other different things. For example, if I what good marks in my academics or I did something good at that time, I feel good; however, I watch some hilarious thing oil or I heard some funny things at that time, I laughed, so this will not be related to my feeling so I would say that air order was different between feeling happy and laughed.

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