Talk About a Leisure Activity Near or In the Sea that You Want to Try

Talk About a Leisure Activity Near or In the Sea that You Want to Try

  • What Activity It Is?
  • How You Should Prepare for The Activity?
  • Why Do You Want to Try It?

The sea is the best place to spend our evening time, but unfortunately, there is no sea area near where I live. Today I would like to speak about an activity which I want to try near the sea area.

A few years back, I went to Kurukshetra to meet my cousin. There he told me about his experience which he had when he went to Goa. He told me that he really enjoyed in Goa.

He told me that first he went to the beach area and there he played beach volleyball with his friends. He said it was pretty interesting, and he said it is tough to run in sand, although it is amazing.

Then he said that making sand houses near the sea beach is an amazing activity and people make so many houses, but when the tides come, they wash away.

He emphasized one activity, which is water skating, and he told me that I should do this activity once in my life. He said it is the most fantastic activity, and it is really adventurous and thrilling.

Mostly, people are not able to balance when the tides come. Really, people catch their breath when they do this activity. After listening to that now, I’ve made up my mind that I would try this activity.

Moreover next year we plan to go to Goa, me and my eight friends. It will be the most adventurous activity I’ve tried yet. So this is the activity I want to try near the sea.

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Part 3 Questions: Talk About a Leisure Activity Near or In the Sea that You Want to Try

Question 1:- What kind of people like rest near the sea?

According to me people who like to view the sea and also enjoy the sun bath. Most foreign citizens want to take a rest on the beach for their enjoyment.

Question 2:- What kinds of people rely on the sea?

People who are adventurous and like to skate in the sea. Moreover, many people like the natural view of the sea and enjoy making a send house. Also, some people want to play volleyball in the seawater.

Question 3:- What other activities can people do in and near the sea?

Now Nowadays, as digital platforms take place, many people make dancing videos and also clean the beach, contributing to the cleaning of the environment.

Question 4:- What is the difference between young and older adults’ activities near or in the sea?

Young people like to do dangerous activities on the beach or in the sea whereas older people have to sit near the sea and enjoy the peace and feel of nature.

Question 5:- Do older adults enjoy spending time near the sea?

Well, it depends from person to person that they do not have a phobia of the water, but many older people like to spend their time on see as they seem to have a different view of life.

Question 6:- Is it popular to go to the seaside in your country?

Yes, it is the best tourist place. For example, of Mumbai sea area has a beautiful look and is more attractive for the tourist as it gives some peace and a different look to the environment and also has no beautiful noise of the water streaming.

Question 7:- What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending time near the sea?

The benefit of spending time near the sea is that we enjoy the beautiful moments of our lives and also relax our mental and physical strength. Moreover, the disadvantage of spending time near the sea is that increasing tourism to the sea also affects aquatic life.

Question 8:- Do you think that human activities are posing a threat to the oceans of the world?

Definitely, in today’s scenarios, people are throwing chemicals into the oceans, and more plastic is also thrown into the water, impacting worse on the aquatic life and becoming more harmful to human beings.

Question 9:- Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim?

Children must learn to swim as it is good for them. In the future, they can easily join the defence field or, become good swimmers or create careers in that field.

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Question 10:- Do you think that it is important to learn about the oceans and why?

To save the oceans and aquatic life, we must teach about the oceans and their destruction fact two children so they can take precautions and measures to save the oceans and marine life through their actions.

Question 11:- Do you think environmental problems can affect the oceans?

Not all environmental problems affect the oceans, but today’s human activities mainly involve the oceans as they throw harmful chemicals that affect aquatic life. Moreover, there, many aquatic species are becoming endangered or may become extinct in the future.

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