The Bar Charts Below Show the Prevalence of Obesity Among Boys and Girls Aged 12 to 19 Years by Ethnicity

The bar charts below show the prevalence of obesity among boys and girls aged 12 to 19 years by ethnicity in the United States for the years 2004 and 2014. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The bar charts below show the prevalence of obesity among boys and girls aged 12 to 19 years by ethnicityThe information regarding the prevalence of obesity among boys and girls 12 to 19 years by ethnicity in the UK in the year the bar chart shows all analysis, it is manifest that the standard rate of obesity among boys was higher than among girls, except in non-Hispanic black countries.

Looking at the details, in terms of non-Hispanic white countries, where boys had a greater obesity rate of 12% in 2004 and 17% in 2014; however, it was 9% and 14% in girls, respectively, in the same country. Regarding being Hispanic black, girls had the highest proportion, 16% in 2004, whereas almost double can be seen in 2014. The same difference showed by a figure in the case of boys, 11% was accounted for in 2004, but its ratio increased by 9% after ten years.

We were moving to further data; in Hispanics, during 2004, boys and girls accounted for almost the same proportion. Nevertheless, in 2004, there was a disparity of 10% between both genders girls stood for 17% and boys 27%.

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