The Diagram Below Shows the Process of Using Water to Produce

The Diagram Below Shows the Process of Using Water to Produce Electricity. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and making comparisons where relevant.

The Diagram Below Shows the Process of Using Water to Produce Electricity.Sample Answer: The Diagram Below Shows the Process of Using Water to Produce

This diagram illustrates the production of Hydroelectric power from water.

Overall, for the generation of electricity to distribution, there are three main circumstances: mainly the source of water, the turbine for electricity generation, and the cables for the distribution of electricity.

To begin with, when the sun heats the surface water of the sea, then the water evaporates, which comes again in the form of rain when it gets cool in the atmosphere. All rainwater is collected in the reservoir behind the Dam. The Dam is used to collect or control the water.

The turbine and Dam are connected with a flow water pipe, one of which connects with a valve (Open/Closed) point to control the water flow, and the second is connected to the turbine. When water passes from the pipeline and hits the turbine, the turbine goes into motion which helps to produce electricity. And water from the turbine is transferred through the pipeline to a pump which allows it to be sent again to the reservoir, which will again be used to produce electricity.

Once the electricity is generated, it is transferred from one place to the transformer station using high voltage cables. The transformer station splits this electricity as per users by amplifying the amount of electricity used for homes, factories and schools/hospitals by using underground cables.

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