The Line Graph Below Gives Information on Cinema Attendance in The UK

The line graph below gives information on cinema attendance in the UK. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information given.

The line graph below gives information on cinema attendance in the UK.

A piece of information about the attendance of cinema of different age groups in terms of percentages in the UK from 1990 to 2010 was depicted by the line graph.

Overall, the maximum proportion of attendance was shown by those who came between 44-54 age group, while least by aged 14-24.

To begin with, an approximately similar proportion of attendance was shown by those who were aged between 34 and 54 (about 35%) in 1990. After that year, a difference occurred between the presence of both age groups. However, 40% was found in 1995 by those who were aged 44-54, after some fluctuations, that reached at about 50% in 2010. On the other hand, the percentage of attendance of aged 34-44 was about 38% in 1995, and finally, that percentage becomes at about 43% in 2010.

Furthermore, about 25% and 15% of attendance were shown by aged 24-34 and 14-24 respectively in 1990 and after zigzag trend, these percentages to reached at about 33% and approximately 20% respectively.

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