The Most Important Aim of Science Ought to Be to Improve

The Most Important Aim of Science Ought to Be to Improve People’s Lives. to What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

Science is a discipline that can never be underrated in any country. It has contributed to various developments and all aspects of life. Some people may dispute the fact that science’s primary purpose is to improve human lives. I strongly agree that science needs to impact people’s lives due to its continuous inventions in technology and healthcare.

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Numerous scientific researches have led to significant advancements in technology. These technologies are virtually everywhere in our environment and are very efficient in people’s daily activities. For instance, the invention of the mobile phone as a product of science has enhanced communication among people.

In addition, science is playing a pivotal role in healthcare. This field is still in the ongoing process of making the best of the few resources available to humans. For example, scientists are coming up with new healthcare interventions, including medicines for deadly diseases, electronic devices for surgical procedures, and more.

In conclusion, I strongly agree that science ought to improve people’s lives through the continuous advancement of technologies and healthcare.

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