The Table Below Shows the Amount of Waste Production (in Millions of Tonnes) in Six Different Countries

The table below shows the amount of waste production (in millions of tonnes) in six different countries over a twenty-year period. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The Table Below Shows the Amount of Waste Production (in Millions of Tonnes) in Six Different Countries

The table illustrates the production of waste in six different nations for a time period of thirty years from 1980 to 2000.

At first glance, it is manifested that a third of waste was being produced by Japan and Korea in 1990, whereas negligible production was seen in the case of Ireland in the same year. By 1980, the waste was being produced just above the zero of Ireland. In 2000, the production of garbage was just below the twofold that of 1980 in Japan.

Moving further, four million of tonnes waste was being produced by Poland in 1980, and after one decade the production was increased and reached 151 million tonnes. There was a steady rise in the production of waste in the US to reach 192 in 2000 from 131 million tonnes in 1980.

Overall, it can be clearly seen that the highest waste was being produced by the US, while lowest in case of Poland and Portugal respectively.

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